Saturday, August 31, 2019

The birthing of healers

I’ve lived a life having to deal with a few chronic or recurring ailments ranging from common to uncommon and strange. Some of the chronic ones have had no clinical diagnosis. As I found healing through one after another in such amazing ways, I told myself “One day, when I am completely healed of everything, I want to write about my healing journey, its insights and methods. It might be helpful for others.” But then, since I also live my life with a certain sense of urgency, I decided to start writing my story thus far, and continue to write as it unfolds.

I am convinced that we are living in one of the most interesting of times. I can’t articulate exactly what. But I have a strong sense of a New energy being ushered into Life as I know and experience it. A new wave of a certain knowing that we are all part of the same Being.

I increasingly experience individuals and human collectives as powerful portals receiving this new energy to manifest it in the world of form. And in that process, I also see a lot of pain and darkness that need to be cleared out being unleashed as ailments in individuals (emotional, mental and physical) and as conflicts in collectives and communities. Like the mythical samudra manthan, the churning of the ocean of milk for amrut (the immortality nectar) first releases the poison that needs to be attended to. The good news is that the perspective of ailments and conflicts as stumbling stones is fading away. More and more of us are recognising them as stepping stones and signposts.

Signposts along our path trying to tell us many important things. That we aren’t aligned fully to our life’s deepest calling, our swadharma and that we need to keep fine-tuning the alignment. That, even in the wake of everyone around us not understanding and accepting our unique ways and calling, we need to stop feeling small or dull, connect to the Source, allow ourselves to fully embrace and experience our brilliance and vastness, and stay anchored there. That we need to wake up to the knowing that the divine forces are yearningly waiting to collaborate with us because they need us to do their work here in the world of form.

And stepping stones to pave the way to birthing us as healers and midwives of the New World that is being born right now.

As I come across the many many healing stories birthing the healers and midwives of the new world, I feel inspired to share mine and others I know closely enough to write about.

Banyan fruit with hundreds of seeds full of potential!
As I write this, I am going through a condition whose description is quite close to a serious form of ADHD, where the mind finds it challenging to process auditory and visual inputs sometimes touching unbearable chaos. Smells and touch are extremely grounding! I am currently undergoing a therapy based on sound (called Tomatis) which will apparently train my ear muscles and rewire my brain to help it function and respond better. I am writing these posts in the faith that, this expression and its accompanying feeling of gratitude will themselves serve as powerful aides in my healing.

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