In February 2018, my brain went haywire! I wasn't able to think clearly. Even melodious music sounded like cacophony. I was unable to do simple tasks at home, step out on the road or process oncoming traffic information, have conversations in groups, process auditory inputs from the phone or any electronic devices. Many many days, I touched madness, shut myself up in a dark room and wept. I was completely home-bound for months.
Having no clue what it was about, I tried many things like chanting, meditation, singing, anti-depressants, time in nature, homeopathy and so on. Nothing really worked. Or may be all of them together worked over time! By October that year, my mind started clearing up and I became normal and resumed life. I attributed all kinds of fancy and divine interventions to this episode and left it at that.
In February 2019, there was a relapse of the exact same condition. This time, though there was familiarity from the previous year, it was just as bad. I went in for sound-based healing called Tomatis along with plenty of rest. This time, I took to cooking at home, which helped me quite a bit. (My healing with the kitchen is another story by itself, for another time). Around October, things started clearing up once again and gradually, I became more functional and resumed life, attributing the healing to Tomatis.
In February 2020, there was a relapse of the exact same condition for the third year in a row. I stopped to see what else happened around this time. This can't be just coincidence! Is it some planetary re-alignment, seasonal change or what? And discovered the cause: extensive pesticide spraying in cashew farms all around Auroville. For those who are not familiar with Auroville, it is not a contiguous piece of land. There are lands that are not part of Auroville right in its heart and all around. And these lands are 90% pesticide-sprayed cashew farms. The spraying starts in February every year and goes on until May-June.

About twenty years ago, during my India travels I saw the crisis facing our agriculture. I also saw thriving biodiverse farms which did not use any chemicals. I was shocked out of my wits! How did humanity buy into the stupidity of accepting 'poisoning itself' to be Science? I was both furious and amused. I choicelessly jumped headlong into safe-food, farmer-sovereignty activism for many years. After sometime, I felt ready to move on to other things in life. This seems to be a call to me to step in and see how we can transform the situation. Compassionately. Though conversation and collective effort. It is no longer the story of a family in far-away Khasargode. It's come to my doorstep.

If we continue to ask the question "How to convince our farmers to stop spraying?" we are not going anywhere. If we can instead ask "How do we transform our soul-stripping schools into living spaces of learning?" we still have some hope!
Related viewing: Schooling the World; the white man's last burden
Articulated perfectly. Sharing.
Transforming education from celebrating compartmental to integral will be key. Looking around, one finds environmental education has been part of the curricula for a while. In many cases sweetly sponsored by CSR funds. With more than a decade of such efforts one still finds spraying, littering, monoculture, fragmenting...All the environmental education neatly tucked away in compartments somewhere - expresses only in essays speeches, lip services,or worst, long forgotten afy the final exams!
Your words touch something deep inside. It is absolutely right.
Well said. Take care of your health.
Dear Sangee,
Sending you a tight hug, don't know what to say having seen you go through a lot in the last three years...and really really hope and pray that the Covid crisis brings a deep shift in the consciousness.
Dear Sanghheta, thanks for your sharing. Not only my thyorid stopped to work, but today in PIMS the gastroentherolog told me that my bleeding ulcer I have in the stomach, is caused by chemical intoxication. Liv8ng here, I cannot be healthly. I am just surprised that in so many years didn't come out a big movement from Auroville to do everything possible to change this story... perhaps the concept of surrender has been misinterpreted? I would like to see and to be part of a strong movement of activism... but how can I work properly when I get so sick? If people that don't get sick or don't get sick a lot, just accept the spraying saying "oh, it's terrible" and doing nothing... even not buying organic cashews... how will ever things change?! I feel a lot of people just complain, but with just talking o writing on WhatsApp nothing will ever change. We should really do something. Everybody a community.
Thank you!
This is highlighting something that I have been struggling to put into words, especially with our work in regenerative farming and the recent pandemic crisis. You cannot have random, unconnected islands of regenerative prosperity in the middle of chemically-intensive farming. That would be like protecting just your house and belongings in the middle of a dust-bowl like super storm! These islands have to unite to form at least a connecting corridor of strength and safety. And as someone (probably from Auroville?) points out - no use just talking, time for us to do something.
Education can help. However, we may have to start with where wisdom is in short supply - parents and adults. Kids, even young adults, don't have much say in where and what they study, especially in India.
I think it starts with revering nature's abundance around us, reviving our spiritual connections with the all other beings, and understanding humans are just one link in this complex chain of life (the weakest link perhaps? ;-)). None of this is new. Many masters have already shown the way. Now, it is time for us to act. The "fierce urgency of now!"
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